Source code for skaero.gasdynamics.shocks

# coding: utf-8

Shock waves.

max_deflection(M_1, gamma=1.4)

The important piece of the module is `Shock`, which returns a shock object
from a variety of combinations of parameters. For more information and
examples, see the docstring of `Shock`.

>>> from skaero.gasdynamics import shocks
>>> ns = shocks.Shock(M_1=2.0, gamma=1.4)  # Normal shock by default
>>> shocks.Shock(M_1=3.0, theta=np.radians(25), weak=True)


from __future__ import division, absolute_import

import inspect

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.optimize

from skaero.gasdynamics.isentropic import mach_angle

# Exceptions used in this module
class InvalidParametersError(Exception): pass

[docs]def max_deflection(M_1, gamma=1.4): """Returns maximum deflection angle and corresponding wave angle for given Mach number. Parameters ---------- M_1 : float Upstream Mach number. gamma : float, optional Specific heat ratio, default 7 / 5. Returns ------- theta : float Maximum deflection angle. beta : float Corresponding wave angle. """ def eq(beta, M_1, gamma): os = _ShockClass(M_1, beta, gamma) return -os.theta mu = mach_angle(M_1) beta_theta_max = sp.optimize.fminbound( eq, mu, np.pi / 2, args=(M_1, gamma), disp=0) os = _ShockClass(M_1, beta_theta_max, gamma) return os.theta, os.beta
def _ShockFactory(**kwargs): """Returns an object representing a shock wave. Parameters ---------- gamma : float, optional Specific heat ratio, default 7 / 5. Examples -------- >>> ss1 = Shock(M_1=1.5) # Given upstream Mach number (default beta = 90°) >>> ss1.M_2 0.70108874169309943 >>> ss1.beta 1.5707963267948966 >>> ss1.theta 0.0 >>> ss2 = Shock(M_1=3.0, theta=np.radians(20.0), weak=True) >>> ss2.beta # Notice it is an oblique shock 0.6590997534071927 TODO ---- * This is a list of possible cases * M_1(, beta=np.pi / 2) -> _ShockClass(M_1, beta) (only direct case) * M_2(, beta=np.pi / 2) * p2_p1(, beta=np.pi / 2) * ... * M_1, theta(, weak=True) * M_2, theta(, weak=True) * p2_p1, theta(, weak=True) """ kwargs.setdefault('gamma', 1.4) try: # We want a view of the keys, but the syntax changed in Python 3 params = kwargs.viewkeys() except AttributeError: params = kwargs.keys() if not 'theta' in params: kwargs.setdefault('beta', np.pi / 2) # ['X', 'beta', 'gamma'] if len(params) != 3: raise InvalidParametersError("Invalid list of parameters") else: if 'beta' in params: raise InvalidParametersError("Invalid list of parameters") kwargs.setdefault('weak', True) # ['X', 'theta', 'weak', 'gamma'] if len(params) != 4: raise InvalidParametersError("Invalid list of parameters") # Here is the list of available resolution methods methods_list = [ _from_deflection_angle ] # And we generate a dictionary from it, indexed by their call arguments methods = { frozenset(inspect.getargspec(f)[0]): f for f in methods_list} # HACK, see _k_class = ( frozenset(inspect.getargspec(_ShockClass.__init__)[0]) - set(['self'])) methods[_k_class] = _ShockClass try: call_sig = frozenset(params) shock = methods[call_sig](**kwargs) except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError return shock Shock = _ShockFactory def _from_deflection_angle(M_1, theta, weak, gamma): """Returns oblique shock given upstream Mach number and deflection angle. """ def eq(beta, M_1, theta, gamma): os = _ShockClass(M_1, beta, gamma) return os.theta - theta theta_max, beta_theta_max = max_deflection(M_1) if theta > theta_max: raise ValueError("No attached solution for this deflection angle") else: if weak: mu = mach_angle(M_1) beta = sp.optimize.bisect( eq, mu, beta_theta_max, args=(M_1, theta, gamma)) else: beta = sp.optimize.bisect( eq, beta_theta_max, np.pi / 2, args=(M_1, theta, gamma)) return _ShockClass(M_1, beta, gamma) class _ShockClass(object): """Class representing a shock. """ def __init__(self, M_1, beta, gamma): mu = mach_angle(M_1) if beta < mu: raise ValueError( "Shock wave angle must be higher than Mach angle {:.2f}°" .format(np.degrees(mu))) self.M_1 = M_1 self.M_1n = M_1 * np.sin(beta) if beta != 0.0 else 0.0 self.beta = beta self.gamma = gamma def __repr__(self): # FIXME: What if the object is returned from different parameters? return ("Shock(M_1={0!r}, beta={1!r}, " "gamma={2!r})".format(self.M_1, self.beta, self.gamma)) @property def theta(self): """Deflection angle of the shock. """ if self.beta == mach_angle(self.M_1) or self.beta == np.pi / 2: theta = 0.0 else: theta = np.arctan( 2 / np.tan(self.beta) * (np.sin(self.beta) ** 2 - 1 / self.M_1 / self.M_1) / (self.gamma + np.cos(2 * self.beta) + 2 / self.M_1 / self.M_1)) return theta @property def M_2n(self): """Normal Mach number behind the shock. FIXME: Raises ZeroDivisionError if M_1n == 0.0. Consistent? """ M_2n = np.sqrt( (1 / (self.M_1n * self.M_1n) + (self.gamma - 1) / 2) / (self.gamma - (self.gamma - 1) / 2 / (self.M_1n * self.M_1n))) return M_2n @property def M_2(self): """Mach number behind the shock. """ M_2 = self.M_2n / np.sin(self.beta - self.theta) return M_2 @property def p2_p1(self): """Pressure ratio across the shock. """ p2_p1 = ( 1 + 2 * self.gamma * (self.M_1n * self.M_1n - 1) / (self.gamma + 1)) return p2_p1 @property def rho2_rho1(self): """Density ratio accross the shock. """ rho2_rho1 = ( (self.gamma + 1) / (2 / (self.M_1n * self.M_1n) + self.gamma - 1)) return rho2_rho1 @property def T2_T1(self): """Temperature ratio accross the shock. """ T2_T1 = self.p2_p1 / self.rho2_rho1 return T2_T1